We use the International Coach Federation (ICF) standards, certified by the CTI (Coaching Training Institute) of California, with the “Certified Professional Co-Active Coach” (CPCC).

We accompany people throughout their development in the discovery of their own potential, in order for them to obtain their goals. They will then expand the conscious use of their skills, without judgement or assessments, noticing a relevant and positive impact on their own development and therefore in their organization.
It is a self-learning process that encourages the professionals involved, for their strengths to emerge and allow them to overcome those barriers that interfere with their goal accomplishments; therefore, reducing their defensive habits and ensuring their response to any situation.
It is a self-learning process. We help people to uncover their internal potential for them to be able to overcome the spoilers that prevent them to make the correct decisions as executives in their organizations, or those others that are part of their dreams and desires.
It is a self-learning process made available to participants, their spouses, and their teenage children, in a trusted and professional environment for the development of their emotional intelligence abilities and their leadership and entrepreneurship skills, all with the mission to help families and for their children to begin a comprehensive development that will help them reach their highest personal and professional fulfillment in their adulthood.